Are You Ready to be Encouraged with 5 Health Tips You CAN DO Today?!
It all starts with 2 things: Yes I Want to and Yes I Can!
It is a lifestyle choice
Our bodies were designed to adapt BUT we are being targeted from every side… bombs literally coming in from all sides with a full on attack!
Here is how:
- Environment- The World and Home
- Foods & Nourishment
- Stress- Priority You
- Time Management- Be Productive & Focused
- Fun & Fitness
- Toxic Environment– Outside and Inside our Homes there are toxins- especially in the city! I truly believe I am a small town girl living in a Big City. I love all the convenience of living in a big city, but I often feel that tug to a slower pace and easier access to fresher foods and air. We can’t always control where we live, but we can be THE GATEKEEPER of our own home! Let me tell you that makes a difference! *Remove as many household toxins as possible. Read down below for products I suggest and the 3 top toxins to remove now!
- Processed Foods– Chemicals and Preservatives in Foods- This isn’t even a food anymore so we should really call it a Non-Nutrient or a Non-Food. Oh wait- doesn’t Velveeta state “Cheese Food”. Take a moment and pause on that. A true moment of silence. You want to eat TRUE FOODS that have NUTRIENTS. That is why we eat- and we can learn over time how to transition socially so you don’t feel like you are missing out. Processed Foods make your body MISS OUT on what it needs. You can become malnourished- Poor Gut Health leads to Reduced Nutrients our Body Needs! This is when you really need to take a look at what your body is asking for and give it!!! Hippocrates said it best- “Let Food be Thy Medicine”- Natural is best and then finding supplements to give you a boost in the right direction. *Buy as many things as you can that do not not come in a package (They will not have a food label on them because they are whole foods).
- Stress– Fast Paced Lives and Technology- Stress oh my it is coming at us like a ton of bricks and why? Why do we do this to ourselves!!! I have learned that LISTS made in priority order help me. There are many steps we can take to reduce stress and products. BUT… that said don’t you just cringe when people say “you are too stressed”… that just stresses me out more! *Commit to a 30 minute quiet time that includes, prayer, journaling and resting your mind.
- Time Management– Priority and Schedules- My schedule is not just mine- so that means constant re-dos. The school hours need to be even more purposefully planned. I can have my entire schedule filled and then when I have a sick one it puts perspective on what can really be scratched off the to-do list. *Make a To-Do list with goals as daily objectives.
- Fun & Fitness!– You can combine the two for sure. I tend to work out more when I am going to classes or working out with friends- even if it’s a walk after dinner with a neighbor. You Tube has made it even easier to access work out routines on line you can do yourself in your OWN HOME! *Write down 3 days that you will add in fitness to your daily Time Management List!
Let’s Talk More about Reducing the Toxins in your home and everyday routines a little more. BONUS HEALTH TIPS TIME!
Why? Because it has a bigger impact on our health than most people recognize. Our bodies are busy every day filtering through toxins. We like to think we are WATERPROOF but we are not- what we touch, apply, ingest, breath in and roll on goes into our bodies fast…. like as little as 20 seconds fast! They disrupt most of our body systems- endocrine, respiratory, immune….. let’s just say everything.
- Dryer Sheets (replace with wool dryer balls!- CLICK HERE) You can add essential oil drops after drying cycle on (Fluff) and run for 10 minutes to get the scent you want, without killing the supportive properties in the essential oils!
- Plugins– You can replace with Plug Adapters that use a felt pad for essential oils or a diffuser.
- Candles– You can replace with Diffusers or Make Non-Toxic Room Sprays with Essential Oils.
I am going to take this a step further and let you know that HOUSEHOLD cleaners are Toxic too! My husband and I would sneeze all day and get congested when we used bleach to clean our home. That doesn’t mean we used Clorox straight- it was diluted in other products and brands. Take a peek at the Environmental Working Group site and look at the chemicals you use in your home currently.
Are you looking to make a change today?
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- If you are wanting to get started with a LIFESTYLE of Feeling Amazing you can get the Clean Eating Works! eBook for $5 (CLICK HERE)! It will guide you on a month of eating clean – and encourage you along the way!
- If you are wanting to make some of your own Bath & Beauty Products to remove toxins out of your every day you can get SIMPLY BLENDED! eBook for $3
- You can remove toxins out of your home with 100% Pure Essential Oils and Household Cleaner by Starting with a Young Living Starter Kit TODAY! CLICK HERE!
*When you Purchase Young Living from me you will have access to my Private Facebook Community, Videos, Resources and more. I will also happily send you a FREE copy of Clean Eating Works and Simply Blended to help you remove Toxins even Faster! They made a huge difference in our family and I am so excited to share as much as I can with you!
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