It is that time again- when I get to brag on some of the clean products I use or have found out about! Part of the living healthy to feel amazing journey is knowing which products to stock up on and help make it a little easier.
Clean Products:
- Glass Water Bottles with Lids
- Stainless Thermal Cups
- Lids
- Ice Cube Trays
- Stainless Steel Straws
One of the things that has been on my mind is bottled water. Water- our body needs half of our body weight in CLEAN & PURELY SOURCED WATER. If you do not have a Water Intake Filter on your home or on your main drinking spout- then a water delivery company is a good option. I DO NOT recommend drinking out of plastic. If you must- make sure it has been properly stored. If you drink some and want to come back to it later- make sure it is not warm. Do not leave it in your car. Once bacteria has conditions to thrive it will! Here are a few options:
If using essential oils in your water- using a glass water bottle prevents container toxins from leaching into your water. When I add essential oils like Peppermint (helps digestion and can curve your appetite), orange & lemon I know they are in a safe container.
Ello Pure Water Bottles- Glass (BPA FREE) with Easy to Carry Lid
To help keep thriving conditions down- consider keeping your water cold, over ice in a thermal designed cup. I am a HUGE fan of Yeti and there are comparable brands as well. To see how well they work- place some ice in your cup and see how long it takes for all of the ice to melt. I was amazed. I use these to keep my Perfect Cup of Coffee warm. With 4 little ones it can take me all morning to finish my cup.
Yeti Cup Duo (20 Ounce & 30 Ounce with Lids):
There are comparable brands that are discounted like Fire & Ice:
There are optional lids that fit YETI cups: 20 Ounce & 30 Ounce
And Colored Lid Options for each Family Member
I usually grab my water bottles when I am eating out because I know that it is cleanly sourced- the cup, the water and the ice. If you do not have a water intake filter on your home or the line that feeds your ice maker there are BPA free ice cube trays available.
BPA & Phthalate Free Ice Cube Trays:
When making Smoothies that turn out to be Green, Brown or Gray… little ones or even adults may cringe. So…. consider using a stainless cup and a stainless straw. When they take a sip it is amazing how not seeing the color doesn’t change the taste 😉 works every time.
Stainless Straws:
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