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Hi there!
My name is Kellie Cutsinger and I’m a mom. Born and bred in Texas, I met my husband at church, had 4 beautiful babies, and embraced motherhood. Being a mom has been the most rewarding experience of my life. It has also been the most exhausting. I remember thinking to myself, it’s not meant to be like this. I shouldn’t be this tired. I’ve never had a problem remembering things. Why can’t I make a simple decision?
In the pursuit of energy, I began going from doctor to doctor looking for answers. Lab test after lab test presented the same results: I’m completely healthy… on paper. But, if I’m healthy, then why don’t I feel that way? I refused to accept that feeling this bad was considered healthy. This is when my real journey began.
I began searching outside the box and discovered an entire world of health advocates I did not know existed. There are doctors that treat based on how you feel, not a checklist. There are natural supplements that actually improve your condition rather than synthetic chemicals that simply mask your one symptom, and give you five more side effects. You can get relief through massage and acupuncture rather than surgery. Why give a car a brand new transmission when all it needs is an oil change?
I needed an oil change. I started simple by cleaning up my diet. It was rewarding to bring this lifestyle into my home where my husband and children could benefit from eating healthy. My next step was to stop treating our ailments with over the counter medications (synthetic manmade chemicals). I found we could benefit in an overwhelming number of ways with essential oils (completely natural and plant based). After seeing the incredible benefits of essential oils, I became a wellness advocate for Young Living Essential Oils.
I couldn’t imagine going through so much, making it to the other side, and then keeping it all to myself. It didn’t take long for me to realize I was meant to help others. It’s not enough for us to simply survive. We are meant to live!
In 2016, I became certified as a health coach and started Kellie Cutsinger Coaching where I connect clients to practitioners. I have a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in public relations/health communication. It’s been a natural transition to turn my personal experience into a thriving business where I help and serve others.
It is my mission to spread awareness for functional medicine, getting to the root of illness, and healing the body naturally. While we may live in a toxic world, our bodies were designed to heal themselves. All we need to do is remove the bad and replace it with the natural goodness this world has to offer. I help my clients do this through education, practical application, and connection with the right practitioners.
I work with an amazing network of doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, holistic health providers, acupuncturists, Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) providers, massage therapists, fitness trainers, and many more. I engage in continuing education through studying research, books, podcasts, interviewing specialists, and attending functional medicine lectures. I am currently collaborating with several functional health practitioners and an advocacy group to bring you the MicroBiome Revolution. Join my email list to learn more and be the first to know about events in your area.
I know where you have been. I understand what you are going through. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way. Through my program, I will teach you how to cook and eat, replace your medicine cabinet with pure essential oils, introduce you to my circle of health and wellness associates, and show you how to balance it all with a full time job, 4 kids, a house to care for, and all the other unexpected things life throws your way. I promise you it can be done.
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