Grab a Cup with Me!
Welcome to Cleanly Consumed where we live healthily and feel amazing. My name is Kellie Cutsinger. I am a mom, blogger, clean eating enthusiast, and a total fan of all things clean and natural. My passion for wellness began when I was blessed with four beautiful children. The good Lord blessed us with twin boys, a preemie, and our beautiful little girl. These guys are my WHY!
My husband and I always thought we were healthy, but after having children I wasn’t quite the same. I began to suffer from fatigue and found I couldn’t think clearly. As the day to day functions became increasingly difficult, I couldn’t help but think there has to be more I can do to feel better. When doctor after doctor and lab test after lab test told me there was nothing wrong with me, the search was on. I knew something wasn’t right, so I began looking for my own answers.
We started by removing certain foods from our diet that are known to cause inflammation in the body, gastrointestinal issues, and allergies. From there, we slowly worked into a clean living diet with a blend of Paleo, organic foods, non-GMO ingredients, and limited chemical exposure. I read every food label. If I can’t pronounce an ingredient, it’s not going home with me.
Throughout our journey, I gained a lot of valuable knowledge. I simply couldn’t imagine keeping all this amazing information to myself, so I began my Cleanly Consumed blog to share what we have learned along the way. My personal mission in life is to be the best I can be at the age I am. If I can convince my body that I am younger than my age, that’s even better. I want to be around for my children in hopes they will always think I am amazing.
My professional mission is this: to spread awareness that small changes make a big difference over time. I know where you have been. I understand what you are going through. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way. If you are looking to start small, simply follow my Cleanly Consumed blog for tasty recipes, new product ideas, and funny stories along the way.
When you are ready to take the next step, hop on over Kellie Cutsinger Coaching to and start your wellness journey with me. Through my program, I will teach you how to cook and eat, replace your medicine cabinet with pure essential oils, introduce you to my circle of health and wellness associates, and show you how to balance it all with a full time job, 4 kids, a house to care for, and all the other unexpected things life throws your way. I promise you it can be done.
Continuing education is a vital part of both my personal journey and my coaching program. I frequently attend functional medicine lectures, network with practitioners, and coordinate lectures to increase integrative medicine awareness. I am currently collaborating with several functional health practitioners and an advocacy group to bring you the MicroBiome Revolution. Join my email list to learn more and be the first to know!
With so much information right at your fingertips, why would you wait? Your healthier self is waiting for you. Go get it! Click here and get started today.
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