Normalized Aging is Normal, Don’t be Anti-Aging:
This week I had the privelage of speaking to Lindsay Reno, Rd. Lindsay’s practice, The Primal Dietitian is located in Houston, TX BUT she has a thriving distance practice that is a huge resource!
You can Read Lindsay’s blog post by Clicking Here, or read below!
Slowing the Signs of Aging:
When I think of the word aging or “anti-aging” I tend to automatically defer my thoughts to the appearance of fine lines in my face. In reality; all the organs in the body, including the brain, liver and skin are subject to signs of aging! I have to be completely honest in that I really dislike the phrase “anti-aging”. To me aging is a luxury that not everyone is so fortunate to achieve. By putting the word “anti” in front of aging; it also implies that aging is somehow bad, unnatural or not normal. The reality is if we are fortunate enough we will all age so rather than fight it, we can accept it and focus on ways to naturally slow or work with the aging process! I truly believe there are countless things we can do to slow down the aging process of the entire body and many of them start with small changes you can make with little to no cost or commitment!
When looking at ways to slow down the aging process I think it makes the most sense to start from within! Food is information after all and It tells our body what to do and how to do it. Our diet also greatly affects the gut microbiome which in turn also greatly affects the immune system, digestion and skin health. Imbalances in sex and stress hormones can also influence and lead to advanced and rapid aging and can be addressed with various changes in diet, exercise, and supplements. When looking to slow down the aging process it is important to focus on prevention! Below are some of the culprits that can lead to advanced and rapid aging!
As mentioned above; food is in fact information to the body which can be helpful or harmful in regards to aging. A diet such as the Standard American Diet or SAD diet is high in refined carbohydrates which can cause inflammation, insulin resistance and AGEs or advanced glycation end products. AGEs can cause severe cognitive decline and has even been associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Insulin resistance alone can affect our vital organs especially the liver and pancreas, and the constant high levels of insulin can be a source of stress which can in turn affect aging of the skin. A diet high in processed foods and hydrogenated oils will directly lead to oxidation which is essentially the definition of rapid aging! Just like an avocado will brown when exposed to oxygen; organs in the body (especially the skin) will show signs of deterioration when exposed to oxidation! A high exposure to chemicals, food dyes, toxins can over burden the liver leading to dull tired skin and leads to the entire body feeling heavy and lethargic!
As you probably have guessed or wondered in the back of your mind before as you consider your New Years resolution or look to break dietary habits; regular heavy drinking can also greatly affect aging as well. Not only will excessive alcohol consumption lead to weight gain and or inability to lose weight; it is also likely over taxing your liver. Your liver has many jobs including secreting enzymes to digest and absorb nutrients, regulate blood sugar and it even can break down stored body fat. When the liver and other detox organs are not working properly one might experience skin issues, constipation, fatigue, joint pain, headaches fatigue and many more! Although I am personally a fan of wine; it can often be the worst offender! Not only will wine contain alcohol, but many wine brands available at the grocery store will have chemicals and food dyes which can not only mean a huge hangover; but can contribute to rapid aging! If wine is your drink of choice chose a clean, organic and chemical free wine brand or vendor! Natural, biodynamic or organic wines are available in stores if you look for them and online! If vodka is more your speed, be sure to limit your intake to 4 drinks maximum per week and plenty of water and nutritious food with and in between drinking!
Organic, biodynamic and chemical-free wine resources:
Heights Grocer (local wine shop in Houston)
Light Year Wine (local wine shop in Houston)
It is often said that our skin is a direct reflection of the integrity of the intestinal tract. It is not at all uncommon for those who suffer from SIBO, Candida, or other microbial imbalances to also suffer from psoriasis, rosacea, dermatitis, and even acne! By only using topical products or making changes to our skincare routine only; we are only scratching the literal surface of the issue. Yeast overgrowth, poor digestion, and absorption of nutrients and food sensitivities can lead to rapid aging and poor immune function. Investigative labs, such as stool assessments and inflammatory food panels can look to uncover any imbalances. From there we can address any imbalances in the digestive tract through therapeutic diets and specific supplements which will promote a healthy immune system and eventually glowing healthy skin! Contact me for more information about becoming a client!
*Kellie Cutsinger Coaching offers MicroBiome Labs- MegaSpore Biotic. Click Here!
Spore-Based Probiotics survive the digestive process- enzymes & acids to make their way into the lower gut to colonize, naturally! Want to hear research- watch Kiran Krishnan’s Video on Endotoxemia Here!
The endocrine system affects so many processes in the human body. It affects a person’s metabolism, the menstrual cycle, energy levels, and certain moods. It can also greatly affect the aging process in the body. Hormone imbalances will not only lead to changes in mood and energy, but it can also lead to brain fog, memory loss, premature greying of hair and especially dryness of skin which can lead to advanced wrinkles and promote the overall aging appearance of skin. By balancing hormones not only do we ensure ideal metabolism, mood, and energy; but we can also slow and prevent rapid signs of aging both internally and externally as well! It is important to assess and discover underlying imbalances and issues with the endocrine system rather than guessing or going solely off of symptoms. Saliva and urine analysis has proved to be more reliable than serum or blood levels testing of hormones and can provide plenty of information for a health practitioner to develop a specific treatment plan for their patient. In my practice I utilize the Dutch urine analysis hormone assessment as well as the ZRT lab which looks at saliva and urine. With these labs, I am able to assess and treat imbalances based on the individual and utilize professional-grade supplements as well as specific lifestyle and dietary changes to not only restore hormone balance but also restore metabolism, energy, cognitive function, and overall vitality! Contact me for more information about becoming a client!
Click Here to Watch Video on Knowing Which Supplements to Take!
Address any intestinal and digestive imbalances such as bacterial imbalances, low stomach acid and or poor digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Clean up your diet! Remove or severely limit refined carbohydrates, avoid chemicals and reduce your intake of alcohol. The use of a quarterly whole foods detox would also work tremendously on supporting the liver and improving skin health.
Address any hormonal imbalances with bio-identical hormone use (if warranted after professional lab assessments) and or focus on foods to support the endocrine system.
Incorporate antioxidant rich and skin health promoting foods such as; avocado, pomegranate, green tea, papaya, citrus fruit and berries.
Focus on your hydration! Not only will this ensure your skin is nice and moisturized and prevent formation of deep set wrinkles, but this will also support the function of the liver and just about every organ in the body. Focus on drinking around 80 fl oz of water each day!
Consider use of supplements such as Collagen Peptides and Hyaluronic acid (internally or applied externally to skin).
Intermittent Fasting to promote autophagy; break down cell damage, tissue waste and promote cognitive function. Learn more about fasting here.
Hydrotherapy (transitioning between hot and cold water) to stimulate lymphatic flow and circulation.
Lymphatic massage/drainage either from a professional or at home using a gua sha tool or your finger tips.
Consider whole-body Acupuncture or Acupuncture specifically for fine lines on the face. Acupuncture can work to improve immune function and circulation and can even promote collagen production and tissue repair at the site of where the needles are placed.
An outside the box idea is the use of targeted cryotherapy or “Frotox” to promote circulation and immune function. Although a relatively new technique; CryoSkin can work to smooth skin, improve circulation and promote collagen production with no needles and very little risk involved!
Wishes of Wellness!
Remember Live Clean to Feel Amazing!

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