Coconut Whip is super easy to make!
For those that struggle with the “pull” back to dairy this coconut whip is a nice alternative and it is a great base for adding in flavors: cocoa powder, vanilla bean, peppermint.
1 Can of Full Fat Coconut Milk (Whole Foods or Native Forest) to whip it needs to have Guar Gum to thicken.
Place the can in the back of your refrigerator overnight.
Scoop out into a bowl and beat with handmixer until fluffy.
*Can add honey (or other sweetener) and vanilla to taste.
Store in refrigerator in glass jar for up to 4 days…. if it last that long.
That’s it- it is that easy.
I have a chocolate whip version that is AMAZING!
Enjoy in coffee, parfaits, on desserts and more!

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