Paleo Coffee!
But that brings me to writing about the perfect cup of coffee again!!! I have several perfect cups of coffee recipes but today’s coffee is needing some healing properties specifically for this seemingly never ending cold. I love my French Press (it is a cleaner way to make coffee!!) If you are having a Keurig kind of morning….PuRoast Brand makes a K Cup.

French Press Coffee- or
1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
1/4 Cup Full Fat Coconut Milk- Natural Value is Filler Free, BPA Free Can! (this is a dairy free alternative that is easier for most to digest)
1/2 Teaspoon of Manuka Honey (I save it for instances such as this- stubborn cold)
1/2 Teaspoon of Grass-Fed Butter (Kerrigold is wonderful!)
*You can add a drop of Peppermint Essential Oil which is amazing! Other oils you can add are : Orange, Clove, Cinnamon- but remember to add them into the coconut oil first and taste with a toothpick before brewing. Make sure the oils are labeled safe for consumption like the Vitality Line from Young Living.
I pour coconut milk in my mug then add in the coconut oil and honey in spoons inside the mug so I can hold them under the hot stream of brown goodness to melt.
After brewing I transfer it into my Vitamix for a quick spin. Ohhhhh looking good- froth, and that latte look that I am needing!
So my less than $2.00 coffee is still worth it even though I spilled some on my top. I’m still an occasional Starbucks Fan- I am…but I would rather spill a little of my Perfect Cup then part of a Venti Cup that’s with the cost of a lunch out or a matinee movie. Silver lining….I am still wearing the blouse at an appointment and it has the effect of a Perfect Cup of Coffee Scratch & Sniff Sticker!
Have a fabulous weekend and an even better Monday!

Live Healthy & Feel Amazing!

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