Easy & Clean DIY Almond Milk 1-2-3!
Are you avoiding dairy and thinking OMG what am I going to do now? Or.. maybe you just don’t like dairy…. either way this recipe is surprisingly no big deal! And… I absolutely love it when I go to a local cafe and I hear they make their own!!! One of those cafes inspired me to make my own Almond Milk and I must say this DIY Almond Milk tastes amazing!

Knowing that there are no fillers or preservatives in this is comforting! It is soy lecithin free, sunflower lecithin free and carrageenan free! Not sure what those are??? Exactly- so don’t consume them!
1 Cup Sprouted Almonds (sprouted are moister and easier to digest)
(2) Cups Pure Water for soaking (distilled or spring)
(4) Cups Pure Water (distilled or spring)
*Optional Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Celtic Salt, Vanilla Bean
Zimtal Nutmillk Bag (it is large, easy to clean and durable)
High powered blender (Vitamix)
Ball Mason Jar or Other glass container.
1. Rinse & soak the almonds and in a bowl and cover overnight (8-12 hours). If they are visually swollen then they are ready to go. Rinse and strain.
2. If you would like a white milk then you will need to remove the skins. You can squeeze using your thumb or use a paper towel to rub the skins off. The milk really looks like dairy if you remove the skins and it is easier to digest. You can also leave the skins on- and get the benefits of the flavonoids & the vitamin E for a double antioxidant
3. Add almonds and 4 cups clean water (I use distilled or spring) to your blender.
4. Add any flavorings- I add a twist of celtic salt, a tad of vanilla bean paste and other spices depending on the season and occasion.
5. Blend until you reach the consistency. I pour into a glass jar that has a cow on it. It is just one of those things that I do so that me and my kids don’t feel like we are missing out. Dairy has never been kind to us. This almond milk is truly amazing and easy to make. It will last 4-5 days and I make a batch a week. It is a nice kitchen staple to use in baking, smoothies and to have something to drink other than water.

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