Sinus Infections Stink. Ready to Blow them Away?
Sinus infections stink…..They just do- if you have ever had a sinus infection then you know as well as I do that they KNOCK you Doooooooown. You can go to bed feeling great and wake up feeling like you never slept… out of nowhere BAM! My sinus infections started around the time I was getting ready to go into Middle School,continued into high school, college and as a young working adult. That was just a few years ago.. Ahem Ahem… and it only got worse when I had children.
I often passed on desserts as a child. My body was saying I don’t like processed foods, I don’t like dairy, I don’t like corn, I don’t like soy. I then spent years dining out and staying up late. Everything we did revolved around food- work, school, bible studies, parties and even just because we wanted to go do something- we would eat out.
My sinuses would often be inflamed, but I couldn’t really trace back to anything that would set it off exactly. I had food allergy testing, used some nasal sprays every now and then, but still I would get them. Then… I started really paying attention to how foods made me feel and connecting some dots.
Ta-Da things began to click and make sense.
Things that seemed to aggravate sinus infections :
- Sugar
- Nightshades
- Corn (This includes Corn Syrup)
- Grains- Cereals, Breads..other Baked Goods
- Processed Foods
- Dairy **
So tempting…. but these foods make it all worse!
I was in graduate school when I had my first born(s)… twins. I was researching for one of my professors for college credit while I was working on my never-ending thesis. My focus was in Women’s Health and I am so thankful that it was. I became fascinated with health research and how much of what we eat influences health.
Fast Forward a few years….. well say 30 ish…. Those foods were inflammatory. Even though I was eating and drinking the same amount of liquids I was dehydrated because my body was holding on to it. I felt horrible!!! Ding Ding.. Leaky Gut.
My Personal Tips for Avoiding Sinus Infections:
I have removed foods that are inflammatory naturally like grains, dairy, sugars and processed foods… or anything that my body says it rather not have. After I removed those foods I didn’t have the re-occurring sinus infections. Most of the foods I consume are on a Anti-Candida diet. I have become a label reader not only for me- but for my family! I believe in complimentary medicine- of Western & Eastern, Eating Clean and Removing as many Toxins out of lives as we possibly can. Once I learned this… my sinus infections stopped. When I do feel some inflammation brewing I take some natural steps to stop or reverse it so I can support my body… so it can do the job that it was designed to do.
In the book, The Autoimmune Solution, Dr. Myers explains that we need to make changes in:
- Lifestyle
- Stress Management
- Fitness
- Diet and Foods Sources
- Removing Toxins that are in our homes like the numerous household cleaners, shampoo, toothpaste, moisturizer, deodorant, and anything else you put on your body.
Her book includes recipes and does too! Looking for a recipe book to get you started? Click Here to go to the Cleanly Consumed Book Store for Clean Eating Works! True Food Recipes with links to purchase items right to your doorstep via Amazon! Dr. Amy Myers also has a blog that is packed with information. Click Here!
Other Changes That Made a Big Difference!
As a Health Coach I am able to direct people to some Integrative and Restorative Practitioners. As a Mom and Fellow Gatekeeper I am able to guide you to the right products for your home using resources like the Healthy Living App from The Environmental Working Group ( As a Distributor for Young Living I am able to help you remove toxic chemicals that are toxic to your family and offer you solutions that you feel comfortable with and even support your body. Young Living established itself on 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and has grown its mission into taking Toxins out of the home. It is a process and it takes a Village t0 educate people on the importance of Clean Living…. and I have been busy creating one for you!
So… How Did I Get Rid of My Life Long Battle with Sinus Infections?
I cleaned up all the areas of my life and made lifestyle changes! My family is healthier, my sinuses feel better and I am on a mission to educate as many people as I can! Why? Because it stinks to feel bad!
Want to know more? Subscribe to my blog, follow me on social media- or send me a message! I would love to hear from you!
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- If you are wanting to get started with a LIFESTYLE of Feeling Amazing you can get the Clean Eating Works! eBook for $5 (CLICK HERE)! It will guide you on a month of eating clean – and encourage you along the way!
- If you are wanting to make some of your own Bath & Beauty Products to remove toxins out of your every day you can get SIMPLY BLENDED! eBook for $3
- You can remove toxins out of your home with 100% Pure Essential Oils and Household Cleaner by Starting with a Young Living Starter Kit TODAY! CLICK HERE!
*When you Purchase Young Living from me you will have access to my Private Facebook Community, Videos, Resources and more. I will also happily send you a FREE copy of Clean Eating Works and Simply Blended to help you remove Toxins even Faster! They made a huge difference in our family and I am so excited to share as much as I can with you!
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