Get Ready to Cleanse and Reap the Benefits!
Juicing, and juice cleanses provide many benefits. In this post we are just going to talk about celery juice. That may surprise you, but celery is one of those hidden gems when it comes to nutrients! Now, remember that with juicing you are skipping on the fiber of the pulp. Don’t toss out all that shredded goodness, it makes an amazing ingredient in homemade broths, as a binder and in paleo baking. With all of the juice bars popping up you may be able to buy it on the go, but drinking right after pressing reaps the most nutritional value.
Celery Juice Nutrition 101:
- Excellent source of anti-oxidants
- Enzymes that support digestion
- Vitamins K, C, Potassium
- Folate & B6
- Digestive Mobility
- Can regulate blood pressure
- Diuretic
- Lowers Cholesterol
Recently I visited a long time friend and she asked if I had read a book- The Medical Medium by Anthony Williams. I hadn’t, nor had I heard of him. I listened to the book on Audible (as a Mom, I am a huge fan of Amazon Audible!) and then I asked for a copy of the book for my birthday. It is packed with information and I like to reference books often.
You can find his book on Amazon (click here)– available in Hardcover, Kindle, Paperback, Audio CD and Audible- so no excuses!
One of the interesting things he mentions, is the benefits of celery juice on an empty stomach. A few years back, a chiropractor told me about drinking a cup of water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar while standing on my tip toes first thing in the morning. This helps jump-start the stomach, remind it of its position (staying down) and gets things ready for the first meal. I figured if I could do that, I could certainly drink celery juice.
Summary of my Celery Juice Trial: (3 Weeks)
I juiced 16 ounces of celery juice each morning on an empty stomach.
My digestive regularity was much improved and like clockwork
I tolerated a wider variety of foods, even “cheat” foods
It didn’t taste as bad as I thought it would
I purchased a variety of celery from Whole Foods, Costco & Trader Joes
My husband joined in, and he felt like it was beneficial as well
My juicer is amazing, and it was a great investment. (Click Here to read my Juicing Buying Guide)
After 3 weeks, I traveled without a juicer for a week. I began juicing and I experienced the same benefits as before.
I will continue juicing celery juice, although maybe not every day.
Save the pulp- you can use it in your homemade broths and Paleo Cooking!
How long has juicing been around? Liz of Moms Who Juice has a great post on the history and a Timeline on juicing! Click Here!
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