Let’s Start TODAY by Removing Toxic Chemicals! Top Household Toxins.
With every passing day the world is advancing. There is new technology, new methods and new researches. With every passing day, old traditions are being replaced. It might sound exciting, but if you look into it, it is a dangerous situation. It gets harder to find organic food, fresh food is expensive and chemical rich products are readily available. Natural products are not easy to find anymore. Chemicals have replaced a lot of natural ingredients. Even a person who tries to live a chemical free life somehow gets caught up since every product in the market is full of chemicals these days. Let’s talk about the Top Household Toxins that are in nearly every home today!
It is due to these factors that there have been so many health issues spreading among people so quickly. CNN posted an article and video in 2016 Dangerous chemicals hiding in everyday products. Everyday use products are not made of natural ingredients anymore and they cannot be cleanly consumed. This has made it harder for people to eat healthy too. As toxins and chemicals build inside the body, it gets more challenging to eat healthy. Websites like The Environmental Working Group (www.ewg.org) can provide you an insight on how many products in the market those seem healthy are actually harmful. Use the EWG website to rate your current products and identify your top household toxins.
There is a great post article on the EWG site
5 Ways to Reduce Chemical Exposure in Your Home! (Click for Article)
- Filter Water
- Stop Using Plastic Bottles
- Get a Vacuum with a HEPA Filter
- Wash Hands Before Eating (For Germs & Toxins)
- Take Shoes off in the House
5 Reasons to Remove Chemicals (Click for Article)
- Safety and development for infants, children and teens
- Cancer Risk
- Endocrine Disruptors
- Skin Disorders
- Connection to Infertility
Top 5 Products to Take out First!
- Candles & Scented Plug-Ins/Sprays
- Fabric Softener
- Household Cleaners
- Aluminum containing Deodorant
- Sodium Laurel Sulfate- Detergent
Then- Take a Look at
- Soap,
- Make-Up,
- Shampoo and other every day
- Toiletries Products that are absorbed in skin
There are a very few companies in today’s era that provide all natural ingredient products that can be cleanly consumed. One of these is Young Living. They provide pure and completely natural essential oils. Young Living provides a wide range of these essential oils. You can get everything from rosemary oil to tea tree oil, the basic olive oil as well as the moisturizing coconut oil. Cinnamon, clove and lemon are other oil options that Young Living offers.
Young Living offers a ‘Thieves’ range. It is a traditional concept. The concept began somewhere in Europe long ago. The Vinegar of the four Thieves is the product that was originated decades ago. This goes to prove that Young Living is using traditional concepts and providing natural products even in today’s age. This range consists of products that contain a concoction of multiple herbs and natural ingredients. The goodness of the ingredients is brought together to benefit the user in the best way possible. (Click here for a few easy recipes!)
In addition to Essential Oils, Young Living provides essential oil infused products to replace these toxins that have made their way into our homes. With one company you can replace these items!
Introducing the Savvy Minerals Make-Up Line!
Here is a short video on the products I use and easy DIY Products I make!
We should try and use products like these natural essential oils in our daily lives. It is best for us, for our children and also for our pets. Kids and pets are more sensitive to chemicals than we are since we have grown somewhat prone to the side effects after years of use. However, we should try to opt for the best for the health of our loved ones. This will only begin if you start paying attention to the ingredients of the products you buy. You can research and look into organic products to find out products of your daily use. It may seem hard shifting altogether from an easy habit of throwing whatever you like into the basket at the super market to having to research and search for healthy products. But trust us here; the results will be worth it!
Join me and others on the Cleanly Consumed Journey- become a label reader. Start taking out your Top Household Toxins to Live Healthy & Feel Amazing! Looking to take toxins out one step at a time? Young Living Sign-Up here! or HERE…I am your go-to resource!
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