Natural Activated Charcoal Armpit Mask!
Sounds crazy…. I know it does. But… when you think about it there is a lot that goes on under there. If you use a commercial antiperspirant please stop reading this and google the ingredients and check them out on It may take your body a few months to adjust to using a natural product… so maybe make a switch with the weather is cooler…that is a good time to start. I have an easy recipe that is effective and non-toxic (click here) .
A great place to start is by exfoliating with the Activated Charcoal Sugar Scrub, then apply this Armpit Mask and start using a natural deodorant.
Before you say NO… this recipe only has 2 ingredients.. so why not detox your armpits!!!
- 2 Tablespoons of Activated Charcoal Powder
- 2 Teaspoons of Organic Honey
- In a small glass bowl and the Activated Charcoal Powder and Honey
- Mix well with a stainless spoon or knife until you have a glossy mask
- Apply to cleanly washed and dried armpits
- Apply with a fan brush and let set for 15 minutes
- Wash it off thoroughly
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