Encouragement & How to Encourage Others.
We all like, need, want, wish for and thrive off of encouragement. ALL of Us! Inspirational words are one way to do this, read on to find out exactly how.
Featured Guest Post by: Sandy Herrera
In 1 Thessalonians 1:2 we are seeing one example of disciples thanking God for their bothers and sisters in the church. They continue to say that they are in constant prayer for them. So, are we are doing the same…constantly praying for our brothers and sisters in the church? I can honestly say I was failing in this area. Don’t get me wrong, I would pray for the church but I wasn’t doing it consistently.
As disciples we are called to encourage, comfort and implore each other to walk worthy of God (1 Thessalonians 2:12). We are to imitate God and set an example for others in the church and out of the church. As Paul writes Thessalonians he speaks about his brothers and sisters being his glory and joy because they cared for him and listened and obeyed the gospel and he was encouraged by their faith (1 Thessalonians 3:7).
Spoiler Alert! Sandy has a free gift for you at the end of her post so you will stay encouraged!
When I read this I think about my church and how we are being built up by each others growing faith in the Lord. I want to encouraged others in the same way because God has truly blessed me with like-minded bothers and sisters that I can fellowship with. And I am so thankful for my bothers and sisters in the Lord! Thank you Jesus for my church family!
So take the time to encourage your brothers and sisters. Let them know how much they mean to you and how much they mean to God. And don’t forget about the pastor and pastors wife. They hold such a great responsibility and the enemy is at work, trying to prevent them from carrying out the gospel.
Here are some ways to show you value your church brothers and sisters:
1) Ask if they need prayer and actually pray for them
2) Send an encouraging message or write a thank you note
3) Gift them bible journaling accessories (bookmarks, pens, notebooks)
4) Take them out to their favorite coffee shop
These are just some ways to show you care. Sometimes small gestures go a long way.
Remember your responsibility to your brothers and sisters:
1) Encourage
2) Comfort
3) Strengthen
4) Love
4) Most of all, bring them back to the fold if they get off course!
Here are some quotes that will help encourage you daily! Sandy’s gift to you to, inspirational words to encourage you. Smart phone screensavers!
By: Sandy Herrera of @hisherrtribe.com
Let’s Meet Sandy!
We are The Herrera’s. I’m Sandy Herrera mother to 3 boys, Ayden, Ethan and Christian and I am married to one incredible husband, Michael Herrera. Michael and I have been married for over 12 years…(Click Here)
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