Our Journey Opened Our Eyes and our Family embarked on a healing and wellness journey that saved our family!
That may sound a tad dramatic- but it is what it is. Our reality!
It all started with a first date at an Italian Eatery. I ordered a beautiful salad that was cascading with lightly battered calamari and shrimp. I offered some to my date, now my hubby, and he politely declined. What he was thinking on the inside was likely “oh, I can teach her to eat cleaner.” Don’t get me wrong, after I graduated from college I was known as the healthy eater. Was I really? Then I was a mere apprentice- getting my toes wet for my journey ahead.
FAST FORWARD to get to the real MEAT & POTATOES of the story!
Our twins developed food intolerances and it was causing a host of ENT issues. They could pass a hearing test BUT they were hearing like they were under water. Fluid was settling in their ears and we wanted to know why. Add in a premature baby after that and we were literally tossed into an ocean of advocacy and honestly- panic. Oh- then there was the season of vomiting in their sleep. The good news is…. I learned a ton. I put on my MOMMY Armor, Listening Ears, and networked, networked , networked. The really good news is that today we- hear, speak, run, sleep, eat and have fun just like everyone else. The days of speech therapy, waking up to vomit, monitors, alarms and trips to the ER are a mere shareable and teachable memory. That was my attempt at being funny and not saying (post traumatic stress memory) as we do see the value in sharing our story and knowledge with others.
*You may not be able to see the changes in these photos like I can- but the changes we implemented made a huge difference!
This is what I learned:
- The gut is the key to health!!!
- What we eat is just as important as where it was grown or sourced.
- Removing as many toxins in the home is vital- that is VITAL for Development and Health.
- Finding a good fit for a pediatrician, dietitian and a integrative practitioner is a good idea- yes, all three.
- Never stop learning and reading about health and wellness.
- Natural is ALWAYS better. Always try a natural alternative FIRST.
This may sound harsh- but here it is: (that is not an apology or a disclaimer… it is so that you will read the notes below with an open mind)
Anything you buy in a package (minus the cooler and frozen section) is not healthy. You can find cleaner options- be a label reader!
Water is good.
**Eating unclean foods, and poorly sourced foods is just not a good idea. It’s not. What they ate- you eat. That is why NON-GMO & Organic are not “just a trend”. More on this below…
Inserted Thought… Do you really know what the seemingly “innocent” ingredients are? Here is one- Citric Acid. Do you have a corn sensitivity? Do you have a mold sensitivity? I am not saying that you need move to a farm (that would be awesome) and grow all your own food…. but just be aware. Little words on a label can make a big difference! If the scientist in you comes out- you can take a peek at some articles like this one (CLICK HERE).
Letting your children eat junk is almost the same as letting them stay up late every night and waking them up at the crack of dawn.
Eating with Old Testament Based Principles always leads to better health and wellness. Once you research the reasons why, in clinical studies and statistics, you will have a better understanding.
Removing Chemicals out of your home is a great idea.
What you digest, breathe, see, touch and apply makes a change in your body- either good or bad.
We are designed to heal- but most of us are surviving.
Any change you make today DOES help!
Back to Eating Clean Foods:
Have you thought of the differences between Farm Raised Fish and Wild-Caught Fish? Here is a great article that really made me cringe from the Washington State Health Department (CLICK HERE).
Our goal isn’t to resolve the controversy about eating farmed or wild fish but to encourage Washingtonians to eat two fish meals per week that are low in contaminants.
This is a good article- it captured my attention! I do think they were a tad “politically correct”. Here is my summary.
Who in the heck wants to consume Fish that are fed genetically modified corn and have lice??!!! Today most of the salmon that is available is farm raised…. a moment of silence here……
and here….
EAT Wild Caught Cold Water Fish!!!!
When you subscribe to Cleanly Consumed (the top subscribe bar) you will receive a link to download a free mini e-Book- Six Simple Salad Dressings. It is a jump start on your way to clean eating! Little changes over time ensures the lifestyle changes you need to regain or maintain the health you were designed to have.
Looking to dive in faster? Below are two wonderful resources that are filled with solid information!
The Maker’s Diet, By Jordan Rubin
What the Bible Says About Healthy Living, By Rex Russel, M.d.
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