Minimize Indoor Allergens to Offer Asthma Relief
We all have a right to Breath Easier in our own homes, making a few changed can help Reduce Allergy & Asthma Symptoms. You spend the majority of your time indoors. You should pay attention to protect you your family against dangerous indoor allergens hidden in the air. Your personal hygiene and certain precautionary steps to eradicate dust mites and mold will go a long way to enhance the health of your family. The control of asthma allergy starts at home. You need to become a health advocate of your own home, attack indoor allergens. Many people assume that indoors does not pose a risk to allergy conditions. But that is simply not true.

Let’s talk:
- Air Quality & Filters
- Cleaners & Everyday Use Products
- Resources
- Action Steps
- Clean Living Action Plan
Importance of Indoor Air Quality:
The quality of indoor air is of prime importance. Indoor air pollutants such as second-hand smoke and radon are the cause of critical ailments like SIDS and Chronic Lung Inflammation in children and adults.
Common Indoor Allergen Disruptors
- Mold
- Smoke
- Formaldehyde & Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- Dust Mites & Dust
- Pollen
- Pets & Dander
Gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide are combustion products which result from igniting materials and unacceptable venting of fuel-based appliances such as stoves, fireplaces and water heaters. It is of vital importance to ascertain air quality by deploying the right methods of checking air quality. Radon, mold and VOC’s are the most common pollutants of the indoor air environment. A sample of the air is collected through Photoionization Detectors (PIDs) which is a handheld meter and gives a qualitative approximation of the existence of VOCs. IQ Air Filtration is what we have in our home. We have the commercial-grade system in our attic that covers the entire home. filters eliminate the allergens and capture irritants such as dust and mold spores which can trigger asthmatic attacks in children. Household cleaning products and personal beauty items contain harmful volatile organic compounds and these are removed by Commercial Grade HEPA air filters.
Use of Vacuum Cleaners and Natural fabrics:
Vacuum cleaners with HEPA filtration mechanisms are very effective to enhance the interior air quality. Allergens such as mold and pollen are often microscopic in size and a vacuum cleaner with long-lasting micro cloth filter can capture the injurious indoor contaminants. Dust accumulates on carpets and rugs which lead to the formation of dust mites. The coverings of the floor must be assembled with organic fibers to protect your family against the dangerous fire-retardant material present on your carpet. Fabrics that are eco-friendly and non-toxic go a long way to improve the condition of indoor air and give a pleasing natural style to your interior décor.We prefer hardwood floors and all wool rugs. if any. (Clean carpet using natural methods like the use of baking soda and 100% pure essential oils). Eliminate the use of PVC fabrics in your indoors.
System Overload can Express Itself in Many Ways:
- Rashes & Skin Expressions
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Poor Immune Response
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Failure to Thrive
Use of Hard Flooring and Organic Cleaners:
Healthy flooring minimizes the presence of dust and other allergens. You need to stop using synthetic carpets and go for porcelain, hardwood and stone tiling suitable for your lifestyle and budget. There is a high degree of comfort in sweeping and mopping of hard floors and this removes any probability of the presence of mold and dust mites. Natural Solution for cleaning
such as vinegar and baking soda should be used. Cleaning products with Green Seal certification should be preferred to eliminate the toxic VOC’s which are responsible for releasing carcinogenic substances in your home atmosphere. Clinical research has proved the deleterious effects of conventional cleaning materials which have increased the incidence of asthma and autism in children and also resulted in the reduction of sperm count in adult males.
Be aware of what you eat:
Food allergies are the result of auto-immune overreaction. The immune system of the body does a misidentification of shellfish proteins and triggers the release of antibodies. If you or any of your family members have asthma, it is recommended to eliminate the allergy-causing foods such as shellfish and dairy products. Clean eating will go a long way to protect your family against life-threatening complications such as Anaphylaxis. Dairy products such as milk and eggs are responsible for causing food allergies in the United States mainly in infants. Functional Medicine tends to address the cause of an allergen-induced condition by focusing on preventive strategies. You can opt for a functional diet which brings out the importance of unprocessed foods which decrease the incidence of food allergies. If you are wanting to get started in a Clean Living Lifestyle, but not sure how to get started Click Here for the Health Coaching Page! From a gut health perspective, it is important to realize that Food Sensitivities are different from Allergies. Healing the Gut can help support your body and how it responds to toxins.
Eliminate In-Home Toxins:
Neurological disorders and chronic fatigue is rapidly increasing in the United States. Healing of your body should be done by integrating clean living methodologies in your lifestyle. The first step is the removal of VOC’s and PVC products from the indoor
environment. The ventilation in your home should be given prime importance. You should shoulder the responsibility of a health advocate by insisting on the maintenance of filtration mechanisms of air conditioners and water heaters Stuffed Toys should be
purged of Dust-mites by Freezing. You should follow the method of power washing of your children’s stuffed toys to remove the dirt, grime and dust mites. Toys are a perennial source of allergens that cause inflammation of the skin and have a detrimental effect on kids’ health. The stuffed toys should undergo constant disinfection procedures. You can remove dust mites from stuffed animals by freezing the toy overnight in a freezer bag. Become a label reader and find out what really is inside of the products you are using is a great resource.
Follow Personal Hygiene:
Dust mites induce inflammation of the skin. Dust mites and pollen may accumulate on your body when you are outside. To safeguard the health of you and your family it is important to shower, wash your hair and change your clothing if you have been in an outdoor setting. Self-care is a good preventive strategy and is an important aspect of functional medicine.
Use Dust Mite Covers:
Dust mites feast on your skin when you’re sleeping. Dust mites are not visible to the naked eye and they thrive on the dead skin that is daily shredded by humans and pets. You have to seriously consider making your pillows and mattresses dust mite proof by using covers to seal the top surface of your pillows. It may also be a good idea to shower to remove pollen from hair and body before getting into bed. Be careful not to use toxic soaps and shampoos. They can tax the immune system and hurt the microbiome in your gut. To learn more about gut health, visit MicroBiome Labs Post and contact me for a coaching call.
You can be your own health advocate. You were designed to heal! You can learn what is good for your body. It is possible to live a Cleaner Lifestyle and still enjoy the foods you eat and the products you love! I have heard countless stories of symptoms improving or going away completely. My hope is that you are both of those! Let me know if there are any other changes that you made in your home that had a huge impact on your well-being.
Wishes of Wellness,
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