Pressing Pause in a busy day is necessary. Pause can have several meanings.....that's the beauty of language. Pressing Pause in a busy day has become something that I really look forward to. Pause: Noun: pause; plural noun: pauses 1. a temporary stop in action or speech. Synonyms.... but really my personal definitions of PAUSE. Stop- Drop everything. I remember one day I had a clean perfectly folded stack of laundry and I purposely dropped it (it landed perfectly!!) and just took a ...
Clean Products of the week #6
It is that time again- when I get to brag on some of the clean products I use or have found out about! Part of the living healthy to feel amazing journey is knowing which products to stock up on and help make it a little easier. Clean Products: Glass Water Bottles with Lids Stainless Thermal Cups Lids Ice Cube Trays Stainless Steel Straws One of the things that has been on my mind is bottled water. Water- our body needs half of our body weight in CLEAN & PURELY ...
Don’t Cry over Spilt Coffee- Easy Paleo Coffee
Paleo Coffee! Spilled Coffee!! What???? I almost felt like crying- almost a good cry! On a Friday noooooo this is a Monday thing to happen on a fresh, crisp ivory blouse! What's up? But that brings me to writing about the perfect cup of coffee again!!! I have several perfect cups of coffee recipes but today's coffee is needing some healing properties specifically for this seemingly never ending cold. I love my French Press (it is a cleaner way to make ...
9 Key Points for Feeling Better…Healthy Attitude
Healthy Attitude! Monday Strength- as I was running errands today I noticed a little guy on my window shield. At first I thought it was an ordinary grasshopper. Then I began thinking how this grasshopper was very brave and strong to be able to hold on to my windshield. I was amazed at how he rooted down and stood strong as if he landed on my car like a hood ornament- like it was all part of his plan for his Monday. He or She....left me thinking about 9 I parked purposively ...
Thyme for Air-Fried Jicama Fries… a healthier recipe
Time for Thyme infused Jicama Fries! These lovely healthier fries were cooked in the Air-Fryer! Yum! Last night we had the super yummy raw version Rosemary & Jicama Fries. It was a huge Jicama so I decided to load up the air-fryer to make a gluten free version. Sooooo glad I did! Light crispy coating on the outside, and a little crunch on the inside. I am sometimes at a loss when it comes to new side dishes so I hope you love this jicama recipe! You can ...
Rosemary & Dill Jicama “Fries” Recipe- a healthy no cook side dish
Quick & Easy Jicama Recipe Rosemary & Dill Jicama "Fries" were a hit today and they were fast and there was I repeat no cooking involved!!!! I was super excited BECAUSE....I avoid grains, dairy, avoid foods high in oxalates (more about that down below) and eat as clean as possible. When you are out this can take a bit more thought, but in the home you SHOULD have the ability to know exactly what is in your food! With this recipe you will only need Jicama, Organic Olive ...