A New Year, A New Detox from the inside out?
Are you wanting to know some easy ways to detox that really help you feel better? I follow the 80/20 rule in Clean Eating. (I stock our home as clean as possible, and make the cleanest choices I can while out with a few cheat days built in). When I have a few too many cheat days I pull out all of my detox tricks to help bring me back in line and feeling like ME. One of these is cleansing via my skin. Yes, detoxing with a focus on dry brushing, salt scrubs, epsom salt soaks and hot/cold showers.
Dry Brushing:
What is dry brushing? It is as simple as it sounds and you can pick up a great brush at your grocery store, pharmacy or from Amazon. Using a soft bristled brush,rub every inch of your skin working toward the center of your body. From your feet to your belly button, and your head and arms toward your belly button. This gets your lymphatic system flowing and I do this before I take a shower.
Scrub with Salt:
You can buy salts and sugar to scrub with in stores, but they are also easily made at home. The DIY recipes are very easy and have a simple list of ingredients. The scrubs increase metabolism and speed the elimination of toxins when you rub them on your body. The salts also act like dry brushing and increase the lymphatic flow. You can click here for a easy DIY with ingredients you likely already have in your home (Olive Oil, Sugars and Essential Oils).

Soak in Epsom Salt:
I have always been a fan of long warm baths. Adding Epsom Salts helps to pull toxins out of the body by opening up blood vessels and getting things moving up and out. They are easy to find and have been used for generations for a reason! Click Here for a easy DIY recipe that is toxin free. I wouldn’t suggest buying scented Epsom Salts because they often contain synthetic fragrances and additives that you don’t want to soak in.
Hot/Cold Showers:
A great quick and cheap detox method is the hot/cold shower rinse. I am not a fan of cold showers, but when I am in detox mode I know it yields good results. A dear friend of mine, author of Bionic Bloom, and I have an annual spa detox weekend. We exercise, have fun, and sweat it all out- this includes going into the steam room and then rinsing off in a cold shower. We would cheer each other on- “okay go for it” and one by one we would run over to the ice cold showers. I still don’t know how people really survive the Polar Plunge! The hot/cold helps to create a pumping action that send fresh blood to push wastes out. Although it can be shocking, the benefits are huge.
Which is Right for You?
Maybe by now you are thinking which of these four are right for you? How will you detox? Here are a few key things to consider and add in:
- Water, Water and More Water
- Take a look around and read the labels of the items in your home, toss out the ones that are not clean. It is often better to do without, than rub chemicals all over you.
- Look into some detox teas like Dandelion Root and Green Tea
- Add in some essential oils like Lemon, Citrus Fresh and Peppermint that are known to help with supporting detoxification.
- Get moving- Exercise!
- Get outside.
- Reduce you stress and make sure you laugh and have fun!
Wishes of Wellness! Live Clean & Feel Amazing!
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