Quick Clean Eating Oatmeal If you are like me, every minute of the morning is accounted for BUT you love oatmeal. That's when I put my air fryer and my Instapot to use to maximize my mornings. Clean Eating can have a bad wrap for being harder, but that is not true once you have some quick recipes to keep you on track. I start with my Wellshire Farms Paleo Turkey Bacon in the Air Fryer and then I start the Organic Oatmeal in the Instapot. Oatmeal is easier to digest and ...
Encouragement & Encourage Others
Encouragement & How to Encourage Others. We all like, need, want, wish for and thrive off of encouragement. ALL of Us! Inspirational words are one way to do this, read on to find out exactly how. Featured Guest Post by: Sandy Herrera In 1 Thessalonians 1:2 we are seeing one example of disciples thanking God for their bothers and sisters in the church. They continue to say that they are in constant prayer for them. So, are we are doing the same...constantly praying for ...
A Day of The Pioneer Woman
Pioneer Woman- Road Trip Bonus Our annual pilgrimage to pick up our twins from camp always means seeing new parts of the country, visiting friends and family along the way and enriching our understanding of what is outside our box. This year it including seeing how, when and where the Pioneer Woman gets on our screens. It’s FUN...even after the 1000th time I turn around to say “guys” simmer down, that’s enough, and answering the same ole’ question of when we will be ...
10 Clean Eating Tips to Keep you Organized
Clean Eating Tips- Get Organized! I personally like structure, tidiness all around my home. I like all of my labels faced the same way, my fruits and veggies color coordinated and all of my beverages to have the same color theme. You know, like a perfect Pinterest Photo that calms, recharges you and gets you back on track! BUT my Clean Eating reality is more of functionality and I had to simplify my expectations to make it all work well for our family. I do ...
Easy DIY Natural Electrolyte Drink
Kick out the Gatorade and Replenish Electrolytes Naturally We all need things to be easy and this recipe for a Natural Electrolyte drink is even for those that are not DIY fans! It is HOT and we need to be outside to refresh and to get our bodies and feet on Earth! To read more about that see Dr. Weil's article on "Is there anything to Earthing?". In warmer months you need to drink more to function optimally and avoid becoming dehydrated. If you suffer from allergies, ...
Juice Cleanse and the Benefits of Celery Juice
Get Ready to Cleanse and Reap the Benefits! Juicing, and juice cleanses provide many benefits. In this post we are just going to talk about celery juice. That may surprise you, but celery is one of those hidden gems when it comes to nutrients! Now, remember that with juicing you are skipping on the fiber of the pulp. Don't toss out all that shredded goodness, it makes an amazing ingredient in homemade broths, as a binder and in paleo baking. With all of the juice ...